
Dieses Dokument enthält eine Aufstellung der Tags im Quellcode. Unten befindet sich eine Zusammenfassung der Vorkommen pro Tag.

Tag Class Gesamtanzahl der Vorkommen Tag strings used by tag class
Ideas 0 maybe, future
Todo 34 todo, fixme

Jedes Tag wird nachfolgend detailliert aufgelistet:


Anzahl der gefundenen Vorkommen im Quellcode: 34

de.japrost.staproma.RenderStaProMa2 Zeile
use some logger 63
de.japrost.staproma.TaskFileWalker Zeile
replace with logging 36
put this into the fileFilter! and use one pattern 41
put this into the fileFilter? 51
remove dependency between given IOFileFilter and this pattern 52
really needed? 67
set to status? 104
faster 113
handle with some interface? 203
inFiles may be null! 214
de.japrost.staproma.TestRenderStaProMa2 Zeile
assert file contents? 34
assert file contents? 47
de.japrost.staproma.TestTaskFileWalker Zeile
use separate tests for each pattern? 106
some more to assert? 162
de.japrost.staproma.renderer.ScheduledTaskHtmlRenderer Zeile
create links to directory tasks. 93
de.japrost.staproma.renderer.StatusTaskHtmlRenderer Zeile
writer and status as instance variables 29
somehow with inheritance? 54
de.japrost.staproma.spm.DefaultSpmFactory Zeile
this must be much much more flexible and do not use "GTD". 15
de.japrost.staproma.spm.GtdSpmFormat Zeile
? try this with a parser framework (ANTLR?) 132
do not add content to root task! 239
do formating 255
this should render the tasks into their natural representation. 267
de.japrost.staproma.spm.SimpleSpmFormat Zeile
Pattern matches single space -> nullpointer for rootTask 39
do formating 104
de.japrost.staproma.spm.TestGtdSpmFormat Zeile
mit intermediate task! Iterator<Task> rootIterator = result.iterator(); Task firstAction = rootIterator.next(); Iterator<Task> firstIterator = firstAction.iterator(); assertEquals("(+) unknown action", firstAction.getDescription()); assertTrue(firstAction.isInState("CURRENT")); 303
de.japrost.staproma.spm.TestSimpleSpmFormat Zeile
mit intermediate task! Iterator<Task> rootIterator = result.iterator(); Task firstAction = rootIterator.next(); Iterator<Task> firstIterator = firstAction.iterator(); assertEquals("(+) unknown action", firstAction.getDescription()); assertTrue(firstAction.isInState("CURRENT")); 174
de.japrost.staproma.task.AbstactTask Zeile
make own class 23
make state unmodifiable? 50
de.japrost.staproma.task.DirectoryTask Zeile
get file name 73
this is used to create links: allow for relative links. 88
de.japrost.staproma.task.LeafTask Zeile
make this a marker interface with the get status method. 9
de.japrost.staproma.task.Task Zeile
allow usage of an internal Iterator (eg, to do the distinction between depth of breadth first iteration). 26
? devide the "contents"-part and the tree-parts into two interfaces. 28
implement correct rendering /** Render this task into given writer using its own representation. 96